Endangered Species
Once They're Gone, There's No Bringing Them Back.
The Carolina Parakeet, the Golden Toad, the West African Black Rhino, and so many others… whether they’re long-gone, recently gone, or soon-to-be gone, they’re a loss to the world. No one will ever get to enjoy seeing these magnificent animals. They won’t play the role in nature that they were destined to have.
Currently, more than 3,000 species of animals are considered endangered. In the United States, the Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 to help with conservation efforts, but there are now three times as many endangered species as there were just ten years ago. To learn more about those animals, explore the Faunalytics library articles and other resources below.
Our Most Popular Endangered Species Articles

A Wildlife Watching Code of Conduct

Wild Animals

Global Patterns Of The Wildlife Trade

Ocean Life

Protecting The World’s Wild Animals Through Indigenous Knowledge

Understanding People’s Attitudes Towards Wild Animal Welfare
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If you’re already working to protect endangered species (or other wildlife, companion animals, or animals raised for food), sign up now to get our research updates. Each week you’ll get the latest available information to help you help animals. Any one of these studies might hold the key for you to save more lives.

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Your Cat’s Favourite Band: Getting Down With Species Appropriate Music
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