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Faunalytics Fundamentals

Fundamentals are a collection of topic overviews and resources that provide the latest and best data for a variety of important animal issues and topics. See below for Issue Fundamentals that are currently available.

  • Farmed Animals: The first in our series of Fundamentals that can be viewed entirely on our website, our focus on Farmed Animals contains information about animal ethology, consumer opinions, scale of the industry, environmental impacts, and more.
  • Animals Used in Research: The second in our series of Fundamentals, with a series of infographics describing the animals most commonly used in research and dissection, the species excluded from the Animal Welfare Act, attitudes, breeding and transport, and research alternatives.
  • Companion Animals: The third in our series of Fundamentals, this resource looks at the broad variety of issues facing companion animals in the U.S. and internationally, with a special focus on cats and dogs.
  • Wildlife: Our fourth installment looks at the wide world of wildlife, and focuses on the issues where humans have the most negative — and potential for positive — impact. If you want to know more about endangered species, the exotic animal trade, or how zoos affect animals, look no further!
  • Zoonoses: The fifth edition of our series takes a close look at the issue of diseases passed between animals and humans. This resource examines COVID-19, intensive agriculture, and much more!
  • Ocean Life: Our sixth Fundamental looks at the vast world of the oceans, and the amazing animal life that inhabits them. We take a deep dive into fishing, marine animal conservation, captivity, and much more. 
  • Animal & Social Justice: Our seventh Fundamental looks at the ways in which the pursuit of animal justice and social justice are intertwined, and how we can be more holistic advocates.
  • Invertebrates: Our eighth Fundamental looks at the vast world of invertebrates — a category of animals that includes everyone from fruit flies to octopi — and explores just how much we don’t know about them.
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