New Poll Shows Nebraska Voters Want All Sides Participating In Animal Welfare Debate
A 2011 public opinion survey conducted among Nebraska voters finds that respondents largely support the humane treatment of farm animals and that they have positive opinions of both Governor Dave Heineman and The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
According to these poll results, Nebraska voters are in favor of the humane treatment of farm animals and would like for all parties involved in the debate (including farmers, consumers, animal welfare groups, and food safety experts) to unite in discussion to avoid a “divisive campaign.” Both Governor Heineman (67%) and the HSUS (65%) received more favorable ratings over the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation (45%) from voters.
More specifically, 79% of voters agree that “farmers, consumers, animal welfare groups, and food safety experts all should have a seat at the table when it comes to discussing agricultural issues,” while 17% disagree. Regarding the Governor’s remarks about the HSUS, 61% say they would like him to open a dialogue with the group, while one-quarter would prefer him to “refuse an open dialogue.” More than half (56%) agree that “working with animal welfare groups like The HSUS will make Nebraska’s farms stronger by making them more humane,” compared to 35% who disagree with this statement.
In addition, 53% of voters would support a ballot initiative to ban gestation crates for breeding sows or an initiative to prohibit the confinement of layer hens, breeding pigs or veal calves to areas of insufficient space where they are unable to stand up, lie down, or stretch.