Animal Welfare Institute Humane Slaughter Resources
Summary By: Faunalytics | Published: July 29, 2011
Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minute
This article details the Animal Welfare Institute resource on human slaughter violations and enforcement.
Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has compiled a number of data sets pertaining to humane slaughter violations and enforcement.
AWI datasets now available (links are embedded):
- List of all slaughter plants suspended for humane slaughter violations since 1998.
- List of recent repeat offenders, defined as currently operating plants with multiple violations in a one-year period since 2008.
- Examples of the worst repeat offender cases for 2008-2010.
Meet the Author: Faunalytics
Faunalytics is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to helping animals by providing useful information to advocates to help them increase their impact.
Animal Welfare Institue, Animal welfare Institute, 2011 United States (National)
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