We love sharing data! If you’re into crunching numbers and you’re an animal advocate or scholar, you might want to access to our original datasets for analysis purposes. If you find anything interesting, please be sure to let us know.
There are no restrictions on using the datasets outside of crediting that any findings are based on a study that was designed and carried out by Faunalytics.
Here’s what we currently have available:
Animal Tracker, 2008–2018
The Faunalytics Animal Tracker is an annual survey of U.S. adults’ attitudes and behavior with respect to animals and animal advocates. It is the only longitudinal survey dedicated to animal protection issues. The first survey was conducted in 2008 and included 15 core questions; a subset of five questions has been asked every year since. You can access the reports from past years, explore the results visually using our graphing tool, view the “cross-tab” files for all years in our Google spreadsheet, and download the complete dataset for all years in CSV or SPSS.
Animal Equality Video Outreach Study, 2018
Faunalytics and Animal Equality conducted a longitudinal research project examining the effectiveness of Animal Equality’s 360-degree and 2D video outreach. To access the de-identified data set, code, and survey instrument, please see the study’s page on the Open Science Framework. The data set is provided in CSV format, as well as R code for the analyses and SPSS syntax for graph construction. The data set includes responses from 3,148 participants on 35 US college campuses, of whom 1,782 provided responses at both time points. A comprehensive document describing the research process and design is also available on the OSF page.
Attitudes Toward Farmed Animals in the BRIC Countries, 2018
Faunalytics, with the assistance of YouGov, conducted a foundational study on attitudes toward farmed animal welfare in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and the U.S. You can read the cross-country comparison, individual country reports, and more here. This study was pre-registered on the Open Science Framework, where you can access a comprehensive document describing the research process and design, as well as the de-identified data set and survey instrument in SPSS and CSV format.
Current and Former Vegetarians and Vegans, 2014
To access the raw dataset for Faunalytics’ large-scale study of current and former vegetarians and vegans, please click here. The file includes a representative sample of 11,000+ individuals aged 17 and over in the U.S., which was used to extract a subsample of close to 1,400 current and lapsed vegetarians/vegans.
Messages to Overcome Naturalness Concerns in Clean Meat Acceptance, 2018
Resources pertaining to this experimental study about clean meat are collected on this hub page. On the Open Science Framework, you can find the study’s pre-registration, a comprehensive design document, and the de-identified data set and survey instrument in SPSS and CSV format.
USDA Food Recalls, 2006–2010
Faunalytics has put together a file with all of the United States Department of Agriculture food recalls from 2006–2010, with information on the severity, amount, and reason of each recall. Click here to access this dataset (zip file, (51 kb). To learn more about the methods of data collection and the findings, have a look at a Faunalytics-authored journal article on the topic.