The Impact Of Capture And Captivity Of Captive Parrots
Through a review of the scientific literature, this paper presents a history of captive parrots and explores the impact that captivity has on them as well as the threat to those at risk of capture in the wild. The authors detail the capture, breeding and trade of parrots and the significant welfare concerns that follow, and conclude that these practices are harmful and should be prohibited.
[Abstract excerpted from original source.]
“The practice of keeping parrots in captivity as household “pets” has a long but troubling history. Despite captive breeding, the capture and trade of many wild parrot species remains a lucrative international business. Unfortunately, this practice takes a heavy toll both on individual animals (who suffer physically and psychologically) and on the native populations around the world that are being decimated by commercial trafficking. This paper, by two noted wildlife experts, traces the history of captive parrots and explains in both humane and environmental terms the need to stop the exploitation of these birds.”