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Faunalytics Policies

A collection of Faunalytics terms and policies, as well as our commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

Respect & Safety In The Workplace Policy

Updated: December 2023

Faunalytics is committed to providing a safe and professional work environment free from all forms of inappropriate conduct, including discrimination, bullying, intimidation, non-sexual harassment, sexual and gender-related harassment, other inappropriate conduct, and retaliation (summarized as “Discrimination and Harassment” throughout this policy).

Discrimination and Harassment can have significant negative effects on the mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of individuals experiencing or witnessing these harmful behaviors. Discrimination and Harassment can also harm team morale, overall culture, productivity, long-term sustainability, and ultimately, our ability to carry out our mission to empower advocates with research that maximizes their effectiveness to reduce animal suffering. 

Faunalytics has therefore developed this policy to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to complying with all anti-harassment and non-discrimination laws in the countries in which we operate, and to foster an organizational culture in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Policy Statement

Faunalytics explicitly prohibits Discrimination and Harassment. Faunalytics is committed to ensuring that all employment related decisions such as hiring, firing, layoffs, compensation, benefits, promotions, advancement opportunities, and/or other terms and conditions of employment are not influenced by a person’s individual identifying characteristics, including but not limited to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, religion, sex, gender or gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and ability.

Policy Scope

This policy applies to all Faunalytics Team Members or “TMs” (employees, interns, volunteers, contractors, and board members). TMs are expected to abide by this policy in relation to each other and to “Faunalytics Clients” (advisory board members, donors, consultants, vendors, supporters, and all other parties with whom we may interact for business purposes).

While Faunalytics Clients are not bound by the policy since they are largely external and outside of Faunalytics’ direct purview, if a Faunalytics Client is found to have acted inappropriately with a TM, Faunalytics will address the situation with the same gravity as internal matters and proceed in the manner most reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.

Policy Issuance and Training

Faunalytics will provide this policy to TMs at the time of their onboarding, on an annual basis, and as required. TMs will be asked to sign a document indicating that they have received, read, and understood the policy. 

Faunalytics will provide formal training to staff members at the time of their onboarding and periodically thereafter. Training may be administered through interactive e-learning or via webinar, and will be provided by a qualified person. 

It is the responsibility of Faunalytics leadership and Board of Directors to ensure that all TMs understand this policy in full. Leadership is available to discuss any aspect of this policy with any TM at any time. 


A Complainant is the person who allegedly experienced Discrimination or Harassment.

A Respondent is the person who allegedly committed the Discrimination or Harassment.

A Complaint is an allegation of Discrimination or Harassment brought forward by a Complainant. 

Designated People

Faunalytics has selected two TMs to act as “Designated People.” Designated People have completed specialized training and are qualified to receive and investigate Discrimination and Harassment complaints. Designated People also have access to external expert support as needed.

The names and contact information for the Designated People are listed in Faunalytics’ Employee Handbook.


“The Workplace” is defined as any place (physical or virtual) where work-related activities occur, including meetings, conferences, training sessions, travel, social functions, and electronic communication. Online communication includes but is not limited to Google Workspace, Slack, Zoom, email, phone calls, and any other business-related communications. The Workplace includes any of the aforementioned activities in any of the countries TMs regularly work, as well as any countries they may visit on behalf of Faunalytics.


Discrimination is the differential treatment of or hostility toward an individual on the basis of certain individually identifying characteristics such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, religion, sex, gender or gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, ability, or any other factor that is legislatively protected in the country in which the individual works.

Faunalytics extends its definition of discrimination to include the differential treatment of or hostility toward anyone based on any characteristics such as socioeconomic status, body size, political affiliation, or other belief- or identity-based expression.

Bullying, Intimidation, and Non-Sexual Harassment

Bullying, intimindation, and non-sexual harassment refer to unwelcome conduct—including physical, verbal, and nonverbal behaviors—that upsets, demeans, humiliates, intimidates, or threatens an individual or group. Harassment may occur as one incident or many, and if these behaviors become habitual they may be described as bullying.

Harassment has the purpose and/or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance, adversely affecting an individual’s employment opportunities, and may also impact an individual’s dignity and self-respect. When the conduct is pervasive or severe, it can create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Gaslighting
  • Verbal aggression or yelling
  • Spreading malicious rumors
  • Epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping
  • Humiliation in front of colleagues, such as subjecting one to practical jokes or ridicule
  • Offensive jokes or comments that undermine the individual’s role
  • The display or distribution of material showing hostility or aversion toward an individual or group in the Workplace, printed or electronic
  • The threat, attempt, or use of physical force against a TM in the Workplace that causes or could cause physical injury

Harassment can occur between two or more people regardless of whether or not one is in a position of power; however, Faunalytics encourages all TMs to be conscious of power dynamics.

Sexual and Gender-Related Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, and nonverbal behaviors of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment may include both overt and subtle behaviors and may involve individuals of the same or different genders, or those who don’t identify with a specific gender. 

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Unwelcome physical contact, including touching, patting, pinching, grabbing, stroking, kissing, hugging, or brushing against another’s body
  • Whistling, leering, or other sexually-suggestive gestures
  • Stories, teasing, jokes, or innuendo with a sexual tone
  • Sexually explicit messages or the display of sexually explicit material, printed or electronic
  • Comments about one’s body, sexual activity, sexual prowess, or sexual deficiencies
  • Unwanted flirtations or sexual advances
  • Pressure for sexual activity or the use of threats or rewards to solicit sexual favors
  • Insults based on one’s sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, or gender expression
  • Gender policing
  • Repeatedly and willfully misgendering someone
  • Physical violence, including sexual assault

Other Inappropriate Conduct

Other inappropriate conduct is described as disrespectful or disruptive behavior, such as repeatedly interrupting colleagues during conversations or meetings, disregarding others’ opinions, taking credit for others’ work, chastising or mocking others, using inflammatory language with the intention to intimidate or make others uncomfortable, and otherwise acting in a manner that harms others or the mission of the organization.


Retaliation against an individual or individuals for raising a Complaint, for participating in an investigation regarding a Complaint, or for being otherwise associated with a Complaint is a serious violation of this policy and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Retaliation may take the form of Discrimination or Harassment, creating a hostile work environment, ostracizing or excluding the individuals involved from regular business matters, making material changes to the terms and conditions of the individuals’ employment, firing the individuals, or otherwise punishing the individual or individuals via other means.

Retaliation will not be tolerated by any party at any level. Retaliatory acts should be swiftly reported to one of the two Designated People and will be taken as seriously as Discrimination and Harassment Complaints and promptly addressed.


Every TM is responsible for contributing to a positive work environment and maintaining a professional and respectful Workplace. As such, TMs who become aware of Discrimination or Harassment in the Workplace—even if they are not directly involved—are expected to report it one of the two Designated People. It is then the responsibility of Faunalytics leadership to address the situation and assist as necessary in finding a route of resolution.

Routes of Resolution


TMs may attempt to resolve their concerns by direct communication with the person(s) engaging in the unwelcome conduct. If the Complainant feels comfortable doing so, they are encouraged to communicate their disapproval in clear terms to the person(s) whose conduct or comments are or have been offensive.

Faunalytics encourages TMs to record all perceived incidents of Discrimination and Harassment as they occur, no matter how small, as such records are helpful for providing context in the event that the unwelcome behavior is repeated, or should there be a need in the future for further inquiries or investigations. Such records should include the date, time, details of the conduct, and witnesses, if any.

Support and Intervention

Complainants who are not comfortable with Self-Action are encouraged to seek advice from and report these matters to one of the two Designated People. The Designated Person will assist the Complainant directly by carrying out the following activities:

  • Ensure that the Complainant is safe
  • Record the dates, times, and facts of the incident(s)
  • Collect any recorded evidence supporting the Complaint
  • Explore available options for resolution
  • Discuss next steps and ensure the Complainant understands the procedure for resolving the Complaint
  • Work with the Complainant throughout the resolution process
  • Keep a confidential record of all discussions and ensure that the resolution process is completed as promptly and confidentially as possible

If the alleged Respondent is a Designated Person, the Complainant should approach the other Designated Person or any member of the Board of Directors. Any Respondent(s) will be excluded from administering and managing the investigation and resolution process (save for their involvement as a Respondent).

Resolving a Complaint in this manner will not prevent the Complainant from pursuing a formal Complaint if they are not satisfied with the outcome.

Formal Complaint

If the Complainant wants to make a formal Complaint, or if previous attempts to resolve the matter do not lead to a satisfactory outcome, they should inform one of the two Designated People. At that time, a formal investigation will take place. This investigation will be conducted by one of the two Designated People or by a qualified external party (such as a Discrimination and Harassment specialist, a human resources professional, or a lawyer). 

In the case that a Designated Person has a conflict of interest due to their relationship with the Complainant or Respondent, or for another reason, they will turn the investigation over to the other Designated Person or a third party. 

The Designated Person overseeing the investigation will then work with the Complainant to gather as many details as possible, including the date, time, descriptions of the incident(s), and witnesses, if any. The investigation process will involve interviews with the Complainant, the Respondent, any witnesses named by either, and the review of any other materials as may be appropriate.

The Designated Person will then—in consultation with the other Designated Person, Executive Director, Board Member, or external advisor—determine the best way to resolve the matter and implement next steps as necessary. This consultation step is intended to provide a form of checks and balances during the decision-making process as a resolution is sought. 

During the course of an investigation, Faunalytics may implement interim measures as necessary with the express purpose of protecting all parties. Measures may include temporarily reassigning or placing the Complainant or Respondent on leave until the outcome of the investigation is determined.

Complaints Against Leadership

For complaints made against leadership or when there may otherwise be a conflict of interest, Faunalytics requires external persons to investigate such complaints. Specifically, external investigations will be conducted for any sexual harassment complaints against:

  1. The organization’s executive director and any person who oversees sexual harassment investigations (e.g., general counsel, VP of HR, chief operating officer);
  2. Members of the organization’s board of directors; and
  3. Where the staff member who conducts or oversees investigations would have a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest (e.g. they’re close friends with the accuser or the person accused).

Confidentiality and Record-Keeping

Discrimination and Harassment Complaints will be kept as confidential as reasonably possible. Some information may need to be shared with certain trusted parties during the course of an inquiry or investigation, particularly during the consultation phase with a Designated Person or the Executive Director.

Records will be kept for reference as needed if potential legal matters are pursued by the individuals involved or the organization. Records will be kept in a confidential file under the purview of the two Designated People and the Executive Director (unless there is a conflict of interest with one of those parties in which case the file will be kept private for that particular claim). Records will not be filed under individual personnel records but rather in a file totaling all complaints as a method of identifying patterns of behavior by alleged offenders. 


If a TM is found to be in violation of this policy, whether affecting another TM or a Faunalytics Client, they will face disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions will be determined regardless of one’s title or position and may include a referral to counseling, mandatory training, a verbal or written warning, a written reprimand, the withholding of a promotion or a pay increase, a reduction in wages, demotion, reassignment, suspension without pay, termination of employment for cause, or other consequences.

Similarly, deliberately false accusations are equally serious and will also result in disciplinary action. However, an unproven allegation does not mean that the conduct did not occur or that there was a deliberately false allegation, it may simply mean that there was not enough evidence to determine the veracity of the claim or to proceed further at that time.

Complaints Involving External Parties

If the Respondent is not subject to this policy, but rather a Faunalytics Client or another external party, Faunalytics will address the situation with the same gravity as internal matters and proceed in the manner most reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.

Policy Updates

This policy was developed with the intention to foster a safe and respectful workplace. As Faunalytics grows and learns, this policy may be periodically adapted. If changes are made, TMs will be informed and then asked to read and sign a document confirming their understanding of the policy again. Updates to this policy will be made by the Executive Director, and any questions may be brought to their attention.

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