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Fundraising For Faunalytics

Help us raise funds by asking people in your network to make a donation to Faunalytics.

Welcome to our P2P Fundraising Hub! Peer-To-Peer fundraising, also known as social fundraising, is an opportunity for our supporters to use their voices to make a difference.

P2P donations are used to support our important, capacity-building animal advocacy programs, such as our Original Research, Research Library, Office Hours, Faunalytics Explains, and Faunalytics Fundamentals.

Questions? Email our Philanthropy Officer Liz today!

Ways That You Can Fundraise


Invite your friends and family to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or even your wedding.


Remember a loved one or a companion animal by asking for tribute gifts in their memory.


Encourage others to support animal advocacy by making a donation toward our mission.


Mark your success of a graduation, promotion, or running a marathon by matching gifts made to your fundraiser.


Engage in some friendly competition and make a bet with benefits – like a bake-off with best prize being donated to Faunalytics.

For Fun

Think outside the box and host a fundraiser for your veg-aversary or an adopt-aversary.

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