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Ambassador Project

Our Research Ambassadors will deliver data-driven resources to fellow advocates, students, and collaborators in animal protection.

In an effort to promote and support the use of research in the animal protection movement, Faunalytics has launched a new public awareness outreach campaign targeting grassroots advocates, organizations, and university students to share the most important research related to animal protection.

Level up your advocacy! Faunalytics’ Ambassadors provide free, customized presentations for your animal advocacy group or organization. Learn all about 1) what research exists to inform your work for animals, 2) the latest insights related to animal protection in your country, and 3) how to apply data to your campaigns.

Presentations are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

Our goal is to reach at least 1,000 advocates in North America, Latin America, and Asia by the end of 2024. Read our blog post on the success of this project after one year!

Meet our Ambassadors

Bruno Link


Bruno is a portfolio manager and a proud vegan from Santa Catarina, Brazil. Bruno earned a BA in Defense and International Strategic Management from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and an MSc in Finance from Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal. Bruno gained experience working in nonprofits during his years in Rio and he is passionate about animal welfare and social justice. Bruno comes from a family of animal farmers and grew up witnessing the cruelty of animal agriculture first-hand which led him to become vegetarian when he was 19 and vegan four years later. Bruno is committed to helping others transition away from dependence on animal products and abusive systems.

Ella Wong


Ella is an experienced project manager in user research and stakeholder engagement. She has led stakeholder and market research projects related to the alt protein industry in China, as well as the animal advocacy movement in Asia. She is also in charge of the distribution of research insights and general operations. Prior to Good Growth, she was involved in running sustainability-related training programs for corporates and government bodies. She also has experience in UX research & design and stakeholder management for a top property developer in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Special thanks to VegFund for sponsoring Faunalytics’ Research Ambassador Project!

We need your feedback!

We’re conducting our annual Community Survey to learn how our resources are being used by animal advocates. It helps us understand our impact, improve our programs, and it only takes a few minutes.

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