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Original Studies

Our original studies are carefully selected, designed, and conducted to provide actionable and insightful data for the animal protection movement.

Upcoming Projects

Faunalytics will study the following topics in 2024. Each project will be moved to the “Research In Progress” page once the study has begun. To submit a research idea, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

If you’d like to support any of these projects, please donate now or contact us to learn more.

A Case Study Of Food System Education And Students’ Subsequent Impact

Many animal advocates use classroom education as a way to teach children and young adults about the food system and compassion for animals, but measuring its long-term impacts is challenging and therefore understudied. In this case study, we seek to improve understanding of the long-term effects of school-based educational programs. We will examine the pathways taken by alumni of such a program, focusing on their educational and professional accomplishments and their retention in the animal advocacy space. This information will shed light on the effectiveness and value of educational programs for the animal protection movement.

Effective Communication With Political Staffers

There is limited research on what kinds of animal advocacy outreach are most effective when engaging in lobbying and grassroots outreach to politicians. In this qualitative study, we will interview U.S. political staffers instead of elected officials because political staff are more accessible to advocates while also acting as influential advisors to lawmakers themselves. We will obtain recommendations and lessons from political staffers, so that animal advocates considering legislative campaigning in the U.S. can better understand how to best approach lawmakers.

Green And Humane: Engaging Generation Z

‘Generation Z’, aged roughly 18-26, are decidedly more aware of the pressing issues that threaten the world as compared to their predecessors, making them a critical group to engage in animal and environmental protection. This study aims to identify strategies for harnessing the action and focus of Gen Z in the US, China and Southeast Asia, by investigating their barriers and motivators in making pro-environment and pro-animal protection lifestyle changes and potential solutions to enable these changes. Further, this study will delve into Gen Z’s perceptions of ‘environmental protection’ and ‘animal protection’ as career paths, identifying what may act as potential barriers, motivators and facilitators to pursuing work in these fields, with the aim to help organizations understand, engage and develop future talents for our movement.

Voter Response To A Pro-Animal/Anti-Subsidy Candidate

Elected officials have the power to institute policies that can benefit huge numbers of animals. However, many politicians may be hesitant to talk about issues that affect animals for fear of electoral blowback. Among the most pressing political problems for animal advocates is the use of government subsidies to support the animal agriculture industry. In collaboration with Dr. Sparsha Saha, we will use an experimental design to test how political candidates can discuss pro-animal stances, like cutting or reallocating animal agriculture subsidies, in ways that appeal to voters in the U.S. and Brazil. The results will provide candidates and their campaigns with invaluable information aimed at helping them feel more able to put animals on the political agenda.

Balancing Inclusivity With An Animal-Oriented Mission

The U.S. farmed animal protection movement has long dealt with a lack of representation of Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC). In this qualitative study, Faunalytics will partner with Dr. Ahmmad Brown to interview BIPOC animal advocates and non-advocates to understand their perspectives on inclusivity in the animal protection movement. We will present the inclusivity solutions that BIPOC participants proposed to non-BIPOC leadership in the movement and ask them about what it would take to implement these strategies within their organization. By working with both BIPOC and non-BIPOC individuals, we aim to build a shared understanding of what it means to be an inclusive movement and how to get there.

How International Organizations Affect Factory Farming In Low- and Middle-Income Countries

We will investigate the various ways that the policies of international organizations such as the World Bank and World Trade Organization affect the proliferation of factory farming in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Results will focus on the goals of international development organizations, the impacts on LMICs, the role governments in LMICs play, and the potential for alternative policy approaches. This research project aims to provide foundational information that can help animal advocates limit the spread of industrial animal agriculture around the world.

Scoping Collaboration Across Social Movement Lines In Southeast Asia

This study investigates the potential for strategic collaboration between the farmed animal advocacy movement and other social movements in Southeast Asia. Recognizing the region’s rapid development in various nonprofit sectors, the research aims to map out and explore intersections where animal advocacy can align and synergize with other causes. By examining the missions, goals, and strategies of diverse movements, the study seeks to identify collaborative opportunities that could amplify impact and effectiveness in the region. The approach includes a detailed literature review and interviews with movement leaders, both aimed at fostering a comprehensive understanding of the potential for cooperative efforts. This research lays the foundation for exploring intersectional collaboration to increase the effectiveness of animal advocacy in Southeast Asia, potentially revealing new avenues for campaigns and fundraising.

Messaging About Plant-Based Diets and Products In Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia’s diverse food cultures and beliefs create a unique challenge for promoting plant-based diets and alternative proteins. Recognizing the gap in region-specific research, this study embarks on comprehensive research to understand current perceptions and terminology around plant-based diets in Southeast Asia. The findings will provide actionable insights for animal advocacy organizations, helping them to improve campaign design and effectiveness in Southeast Asia.

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