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Support Faunalytics

Please donate today to help us produce new research and resources for animal advocates. Our success relies on your support!

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Faunalytics is dedicated to improving the lives of animals by providing advocates the information they need to be as effective as possible. We are a 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 01-0686889.

Other Ways to Support Us

Thanks to your support, Faunalytics has been a leading voice for smart, evidence-based animal advocacy for over 20 years.

Monthly Giving

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Support us by holding a Facebook Fundraiser! We’ve created a guide to get you through the process, with images to help you promote.
Help Faunalytics while sporting our logo on a shirt, notebook, or measuring tape from our store.
Give your time and skills to support Faunalytics’ life-saving and effective work for animals and advocates.

For Swedish supporters, donations made through Ge Effektivt are eligible for charitable tax credits. More giving options coming soon!

Make a tax-efficient donation of the cryptocurrency of your choice to Faunalytics through Giving What We Can.
Many companies will match donations made by their employees. Check the database to see if you can double your gift!
Support Faunalytics through your donor-advised fund (e.g. Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon).
Donating stock directly to our Charles Schwab account is a great way to support our work and a smart way to maximize your tax deduction.
Make a lasting difference for the animal advocacy community by leaving a gift to Faunalytics in your will or trust.

How We Use Your Support

Empowering Advocates

Through our Research Library, Faunalytics finds, summarizes, and shares information to help advocates be more effective.

Original Research

We conduct independent research on essential topics to help identify the best ways to help animals as quickly as possible.

Collaboration & Training

Faunalytics works with other animal advocates to help them use and conduct research to increase their impact for animals.

We need your feedback!

We’re conducting our annual Community Survey to learn how our resources are being used by animal advocates. It helps us understand our impact, improve our programs, and it only takes a few minutes.

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